Why Rapporteurs

Discussions and decisions at meetings, workshops, forums, summits and conferences need to be accurately recorded for further actions towards effective organizational work. A rapporteur monitors the development of a certain event to capture and report key resolutions and consensus outcome. Such documentation is important for reference and follow-up after the meeting and shall ensure that all members will be satisfied with the outcomes of discussions.

Rapporteurs go beyond writing. Rapporteurs have certain qualities and follow guidelines and principles that ensure effectiveness. Amongst these are Emotional balance, respect, concentration, teamwork, perseverance and impartiality.

 Without Rapporteurs, Taiwo Peter Akinremi, 7th Rapporteur General of the African IGF writes that substantive progress cannot be made, informed decision will be hindered and reference materials will hardly be available and accessible.

A meeting is only effective based on it’s outcomes and our rapporteurs ensure that outcome.

Our Rapporteurs

These recaps offer a valuable retrospective on the diverse topics and meaningful exchanges that have marked our previous meetings.